You will read some sentences. Your task is to answer a question about the sentence to the best of your ability.

The experiment will take approximately 10 minutes. Let's start with an example!
Please note that this experiment cannot be completed in the FireFox browser.

Example 1

Someone is a teacher.

How likely is it that the person in question is a man or woman?
very likely a man very likely a woman
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Please make sure to select a value before continuing!

Great! Now we can start the real experiment. You will now read 39 sentences. Your task is to rate how likely the individual in question is to be a woman or man. If you think they are equally likely to be of either gender, or some other non-binary gender, you can select the middle option. If you are unsure of the word's meaning, please select 'unsure' and then indicate that you do not know the term by selecting the checkbox.


How likely is it that the person in question is a man or woman?



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Please make sure you select an answer before clicking 'Continue'.

Additional information

Answering these questions is optional, but will help us understand your answers.

Did you read the instructions and do you think you did the study correctly?



Level of education:

Native language:

Which US political party, if any, do you identify with?

How would you describe your political ideology?

Very Progressive

Very Conservative

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Do you think the payment was fair?

Did you enjoy the experiment?

We would be interested in any comments you have about this experiment. Please type them here:

Thank you!

Your participation helps scholars of linguistics investigate the peculiarities of language.

We would also like to take a minute to acknowledge takes a simplified view of gender, which does not reflect the researchers' own conceptualizations of gender. It is our hope that this work will help to inform discussion around the use of non-binary and gender-neutral language in the long run.
